We offer to our international students three distinguish bachelor’s Degree in France :
Applied Geopolitics Economics Law
Specifically focuses on current global news and the analysis of the latest political, economic and legal affairs. All classes are interactive and take place in small groups (less than 30 students per class), under the guidance of competent and available Professors, who will provide the students with both knowledge and the opportunity to apply it.
Both in the classes and workshops, a group dynamic is created that is enjoyable and profitable for all, based on respect, involvement and mutual support.
Immersive Language Learnig
Research on the requirements of European multinational companies (CEMS) has shown that “the mastery of foreign languages and intimate understanding of foreign cultures is an essential asset of any prospective career.”
Our students fully understand this necessity and this is why we enroll them in the institutions that will train them to become fully proficient not only in English but also in French, Spanish, German and/or Mandarin thanks to efficient and enjoyable learning methods these institutions offer to our students.

Internships occupy a major place in our designated Institutions in training: they are aimed at allowing you to acquire significant and rewarding professional experience in order to learn-by-doing, to open up to new human and professional horizons and to prepare your future entry into the job market efficiently, in France, Europe and the rest of the World.
At the end of your study in these institutions, you will have accumulated a total of 12 months of work experience through these different internships.
Paid internships take place in France and/or abroad, except the 2nd year internship, which must take place in a non-French speaking country. You may do all your internships abroad if you so wish. They occur within a company, a public administration or an organization, either French or international, in order to carry out a mission decided jointly by you, the designated institutions and the chosen firm. This mission will be related to your professional project and established by you during your studies.
Each internship, with the help of a personal tutor, will lead to the writing of a report and, at the beginning of the next academic year, a defense presentation in front of a Professor and a professional who are competent in the given field.
To help you find beneficial and fulfilling internships, you may count on individualized advising and benefit from our designated institutions professional network, allowing you to be fully accompanied throughout your search, and to obtain accurate answers to your questions and requests.
During your years of study, you may also follow the Career Planning Workshop, allowing you to learn how to write an impeccable motivation letter and to design attractive CV, how to efficiently look for a job or an internship in the international market, to develop professional and social networking, and to master the computer skills that will be necessary to your career and your job applications.
At the end of your study in our designated learning institutions in France, you will have followed more than 1,500 hours of classes and workshops. You will also have accumulated 12 months of professional experience in three different work settings through your internships, in France and abroad. You will have obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Geo-Politics, Economics and Law.
Two choices will be offered to you after graduating
1- You can immediately find a job
2- Additionally, you will also acquire
FLUENCY IN AT LEAST THREE FOREIGN LANGUAGES (English, French, Spanish, German, and/or Mandarin), validated by internationally recognized certificates.
THE CREATION OF AN ASSOCIATION AND OF A COMPANY during your first 2 years of study.
THE DEVELOPMENT OF YOUR OWN EUROPEAN PROFESSIONAL NETWORK, along with contacts made available by our designated institutions, made up of more than 3,000 alumni, their relatives and their professional connections
INDIVIDUALIZED ASSISTANCE IN THE SEARCH FOR A JOB, by a professional coach employed by our designated institutions through to the final signature of your employment contract.
Or you may choose to continue your studies ...
This will be facilitated by the education that you will have followed and by the individual support that will be assured to you by the professors and the administration of our designated institutions until the acceptance of your candidacy.
Here are some of the fields which will be applicable:

Common Questions and Answers
Is France good for international students?
To put it simply, the French higher education system is one of the best in the world. … With low tuition fees, studying in France is more economical for international students. French universities are near the top of renowned university rankings each year.
What are the benefits of studying in France?
Campus France highlights the 10 good reasons to study in France, including: Attractive tuition rates in France. Quality higher education adapted to students’ needs. Outstanding research and development opportunities.