Cost of studying in Canada & Scholarships
Average cost of an undergraduate degree, including the cost of living, across leading study abroad destinations including Canada:

In addition to having relatively low tuition fees, international students in Canada can often offset the costs of studying by working on- or off-campus, or by completing co-op placements during their studies.
Approximate yearly cost of full-time tuition in Canada for international students (CAD):
K-12 (public): $9,500 to $15,000
Language: $15,400 (based on 44 weeks per year, $350/week average)
College: $7,000 to $30,000 depending on institution and field of study
When budgeting for your stay in Canada, it is important that in-ternational students take into consideration the costs of the es-sential items that may need to be purchased.
What things cost in Canada:
Typical costs for common items in Canada.

Undergraduate Tuition Fees
International students
Average tuition fees for full-time international undergraduate stu-dents, by field of study (in Canadian dollars)
• Education: $19,461
• Visual and performing arts, and communications technolo-gies: $22,950
• Humanities: $26,175
• Social and behavioural sciences: $24,808
• Law, legal professions and studies: $29,756
• Business, management, and public administration: $26,395
• Physical and life sciences and technologies: $29,067
• Mathematics and computer and information sciences: $30,187
• Engineering: $30,742
• Architecture and related technologies: $24,654
• Agriculture, natural resources, and conservation: $24,101
• Dentistry: $55,802
• Medicine: $29,905
• Nursing: $20,354
• Pharmacy: $34,726
• Veterinary medicine: $60,458
• Other health, parks, recreation, and fitness: $23,192
There are many programs and funding options for international students in-terested in studying in Canada: particularly international students of high academic standing or, in some cases, qualified students from certain areas or countries for whom scholarships or other financial assistance is in place.
Choose Canada as your study or research destination and explore the scholarship opportunities available to support the best and brightest to come to Canada. Find opportunities for:
• Students and Postdoctoral Researchers
• Faculty Members or Researchers
• Academic Institutions
Most post-secondary institutions will have some sort of funding assistance available to international students, and some secondary schools will as well. Certain institutions and provincial governments may also have in place a reduced tuition rate for students studying in a particular language or in a particular field.
Graduate Scholarships
There is significant funding/financial assistance available for international students of high academic standing at the Canadian graduate level (e.g., master’s, PhD, post-doctoral).This assistance may be in the form of:
• Teaching/departmental assistantships;
• Research funds;
• University graduate scholarships;
• External scholarships (i.e., scholarships provided by a third party);
• Bursaries (awards based on financial need that are intended to sup-plement a student’s other funding sources).